Honoring Our Veterans and Serving Our Community Since 1946.
A Tradition of Excellence
in a Community of Excellence.

At the end of World War II, a group of local businessmen decided that they would like to honor those who had returned home from the war in Europe and the Pacific. They discussed many ideas, and before long decided it would be great if they could create a living memorial that would honor all of those individuals who defended our nation.
On June 4, 1946 the idea was taken to the public who voted to establish a legislative special district, governed by the Military and Veterans Code of California, charged with honoring Veterans and serving the community. On June 11, 1946 the Fresno County Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution and the Clovis Veterans Memorial District was founded.
72 years later, the Clovis Veterans Memorial District is the crown jewel of the Clovis community charged with serving as a permanent living memorial honoring U.S. Military and Veterans; provide facilities and support programs to promote a legacy of service for preserving our community's and country's foundational ideals. The District is comprised of five elected officials from within the legislative boundaries that coincide with the Clovis Unified School District. The Board membership is comprised of three Veteran seats and two Non-Veteran seats which are open to the public for terms of four years. The Board of Directors have faithfully led the District to develop into a responsive form of government that honors the community's desire to recognize the selfless service of Veterans and preserve the ideals that have served the community so well.
The Clovis Veterans Memorial District has facilities located at 808 4th Street in Clovis, California, as well as memorials throughout the community to honor our past, inform the present and inspire future generations. Every year the District is instrumental in supporting activities led by Veterans Associations within the District by offering space at no cost to them, as well as significant discounts to community service organizations, Clovis Unified School District, and the City of Clovis.
The Clovis Veterans Memorial District is proud to sponsor programs that bring our community together to celebrate the freedom we enjoy as a nation. We will continue to work with our community to make it the greatest community to grow up in, live in, work in and play in today, tomorrow and well into the future. We never forget that the freedoms we enjoy as a society are secured by the sacrifice of our service members. Our choice to support programs that bring our community together to celebrate our freedoms is one small way of showing our local Veterans how much we appreciate their sacrifices for our nation. In showcasing the community which they helped secure its freedoms we demonstrate to our Veterans that their sacrifice and the sacrifice of their families truly matters. America: land of the free because of the brave!